Thursday, September 29, 2011


day four: your greatest fears about weight loss

i think my greatest fear is never being able to see it for myself. no matter what other people tell me about myself and my body, all i see is a gigantic cow staring back at me. no matter what--that's all i've ever seen.
another fear, i guess, would be being afraid i wouldn't be able to keep it off. i'm afraid i might go to sleep one night and wake up as a gigantic whale.
i just want to see my bones and reveal my beauty, but i'm so scared that's never going to happen. it keeps me up at night just scared that i'll never see it, that this will never be enough, and that i'll live out my entire life as the ugly duckling.

i'll never be a swan



  1. sometimes when i look in the mirror i see this skinny girl, and im like hey! i dont look half bad. But once i strip down to the undies, i just want to hurl because im such a disgusting pile of fat and more fat! Im envious of those who are swans, they seem to have it SO easy. I actually have to work hard to lose weight! hopefully you'll feel more pumped in the coming days ;)

  2. Ahhh...But who wants to be a swan when you can be a Sparrow? :) Right? Be yourself through this whole journey and you will end up loving yourself when you get to you UGW. If, through this journey, you are constantly not good enough in your eyes, than when you have made it you will still not be good enough. It's one thing to have pyschological issues with yourself and it's another thing to want them. So, fight those thoughts. Fight the fat. I know you are strong. You dig deep inside and find that out for yourself now.
